
Ari Goldwag Am Echad - One Nation - Music Video with Lyrics

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Ari Goldwag Am Echad - One Nation - Music Video


כשאני לעצמי
ואתה לא איתי
מה אני כשאני בנפרד
כי אני יהודי
לא הולך לבדי
רק איתך, ידידי, יד ביד
עם אחד, שיר אחד
בוא אחי ותן לי יד
ונוכל לשמוח ולרקוד יחד
כאיש אחד בלב אחד
לא רוצה להיות לבד
רק לנצח שבת אחים גם יחד
להיות משפחה
זהו סוד השמחה
כי ביחד הכל טוב יותר
ואנחנו שרים
כל ישראל חברים
על אף אחד לא נסכים לוותר

אם נצליח לאהוב
ונשיר הנה מה טוב
המשיח עוד יגיע בקרוב

{English Hebrew}

Am Echad shir Echad {one nation one song}
K’she’ani L’atzmi { when I am for my self}
V’atah  Loiti {And you are not with me}
Mah ani K’sheani B’nifrad {What am I when I am separate }
Ki ani Yehudi {for I am a Jew}
Lo halech livadi {I donot go alone}
Rak itcha yedidi yad b’yad {just with you my friend hand in hand}

Am Echad shir Echad {one nation one song}
Bo achi V’tenliyad{come my brother and give me your hand}
V’nuchal lismo’ach V’lirkod {And we will Rejoice and Dance together }
K’ish echad B’lev echad {As one person with one Heart]
Lo Rotesh lihiyot livad {I don’t want to be alone}
Rak lanetsach shevet achim gam yachad {just forever brother’s sitting to gether]

Lihiyot Mishpacha{To be a family}
Zohu sod Hasimcha {is the secret of joy}
Ki biyachad hakol tovyoter {for every thing better together }
Va’ anachnu sharim {and we sing}
Kal yisrael Chavarim {all Israel are friend }
Al if echad lonaskim lovater { We won't give up on anyone}
Im natzlicha le’chov { If we can successfully love}
V’ nashir hinei matov{ And sing 'how pleasant..'}
Ha mahiach od yagia B’karav { The Moshiach will come soon }

When I am for myself
And you are not with me
What am I when I am separate?
For I am a Jew
I do not go alone
Just with you, my friend, hand in hand
One nation, one song
Come my brother and give me your hand
And we will rejoice and dance together
As one person, with one heart
I don't want want to be alone,
Just forever brothers sitting together
To be a family
Is the secret of joy
For everything is better together
And we sing
All Israel are friends
We won't give up on anyone

If we can successfully love
And sing 'how pleasant..'
The Moshiach will come soon  >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Ari Goldwag whose most famous compositions is the late hit "Yesh Tikvah" recorded by Benny Friedman, released this new music video, with equally inspiring message.
Song composed by Ari Goldwag
Lyrics by Miriam Israeli
Arrangements and Instrumentation by Ian Freitor

Video Produced and Directed by : Sarah Gordon
Cinematography by :Yirmiyahu Vann
Video Effects by :VideoSparks
Makeup by :Yasmine Bar-On
Sketches drawn and Illustration painted by - :Gadi Pollack
Artist Portrayed by - :Yedidya Shaked
Young Dancer - :Moshe Dov Goldwag

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